Do you take credit cards Yes, all major cards (Visa, Mastercard, Discover, AMEX)
If my car is towed to Charlie’s when you are closed what should I do? Leave keys in slot in door and call us at 603-883-2376
Do you sell tires and batteries? Yes, we have a wide variety of tires for domestic and high performance cars. We also have a computer assisted tire balancing service to improve performance.
Should I change my oil every 3,000 miles or wait longer? We recommend changing every 3,000 miles and will be happy to explain why it is not only good for the protection of your engine, it helps eliminate costly repairs or safety issues between inspections. Your safety and your car are worth it.
Do you work on classic cars? Yes, we have experience with lots of classic cars and can provide service as well as guidance on the restoration process and how it impacts the value of your special car.
Is it true or false that you shouldn't replace just one tire if it is worn? It is true. Today’s cars can sense when one tire isn't the same as the other whether it is worn or the wrong size and can cause serious damage to your transmission.
My mechanic told me that if any part of the electric system on my 2009 BMW is not working Like a window switch I could damage the computer by not fixing it. Is this true? Yes, it could burn out a relay and cause damage to the main computer, which would be very expensive.
Do you have the diagnostic equipment to work on my BMW and my wife's Volvo S80? Yes, we own all kinds of computer diagnostic equipment for foreign cars and have attended the training to use them to diagnose and trouble shoot issues and repair the right thing versus the symptoms.
Do you do auto body repair? No, unfortunately we don't. We do general auto service and repair.